Porthleven Surgery – Closed

March 21, 2020

Unfortunately Porthleven Surgery is temporarily closed, it is hoped that they can re-open on Monday 30th March. Anyone phoning will be put through Helston Surgery and triaged by a...

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Volunteer Cornwall – A Guide to Supporting the Vulnerable

March 21, 2020

Porthleven Town Council are fully supporting Volunteer Cornwall during the Coronavirus. They have produced a useful guide to help support the vulnerable during the crisis. If you can volunteer please contact LornaJ@volunteercornwall.org.uk Volunteer Cornwall Coronavirus Flu Friends...

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Volunteer Cornwall Referral Form

March 21, 2020

Porthleven Town Council encourages anyone who needs help during the Coronavirus pandemic to register with Volunteer Cornwall. Please send attached form to JudyT@volunteercornwall.org.uk Volunteer Cornwall Corona Referral Form v2...

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Porthleven Mobile Post Office Service Suspended

March 19, 2020

From the Porthleven Mobile Post Office Service Following the latest advice from the Government regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken the difficult decision to suspend operations until at least 30th March. This is to protect both our customers and staff. As the situation develops, we will post updates with when and how the service...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Government Guidance for Employers, Employees and Businesses

March 18, 2020

Guidance from the Government for employees, employers and businesses The advice for anyone in any setting is to follow these main guidelines. The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or high temperature. If you have these symptoms, however mild, stay at home and do not leave your...

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Friends of Bickford Smith Institute Coffee Morning – cancelled

March 17, 2020

Unfortunately due to the coronavirus guidance the Bickford Smith Institute Coffee morning scheduled for Saturday 21st March has been...

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Coronavirus – Can You Help?

March 17, 2020

Porthleven Town Council are encouraging anyone who is able to help to sign up with Volunteer Cornwall. Volunteer Cornwall are putting out a call for people to act as “Flu Friends” to support others who have no-one else to turn to. Imagine having to self-isolate when you have no friends or family you can turn...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) – 5 things you can do to protect yourself and your community

March 17, 2020

Government Guidance to protect yourself and community 1) Wash your hands frequently and catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue One of the ways we become infected, or pass on viruses to others, is through the droplets in coughs and sneezes – for instance through someone who has a virus, coughing onto their hand, then...

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COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection

March 17, 2020

The latest Government advice says that the most common symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) are: • new continuous cough and/or • high temperature For most people, Coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection. This guidance is intended for: • people with symptoms that may be caused by coronavirus, and do not require hospital treatment, who...

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Town Council Meeting

March 14, 2020

Minutes of meeting held in February 10. Minutes Town Council meeting February...

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