Town Council Meeting

June 6, 2020

Please see attached agenda for Town Council meeting to be held on Thursday 11th June   1. Town Council meeting Agenda Jun...

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Household waste and recycling centres

May 26, 2020

Most household waste and recycling centres have reopened but they’re only accepting general household rubbish, bulky items and garden waste, and can’t allow trailers on site for the time being. HWRCs do not accept trade waste. Please read the guidelines before setting out or you may be turned away....

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Discretionary business support fund

May 25, 2020

Eligible businesses can apply for a grant of £10,000 or £25,000 from the government’s discretionary business support fund. The government has instructed councils to prioritise support for businesses that fall into one of four groups. For more info and to check if you’re eligible visit...

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Holiday lets must stay shut: Cornwall Council’s bank holiday message

May 22, 2020

Cornwall Council enforcement officers will take action against any accommodation providers who flout the Covid-19 business closure rules this bank holiday weekend. If you’re concerned that a business may be ignoring the rules, please email or call 0300 123 1118....

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Town Council Meeting

May 14, 2020

MAY 2020 – EXPENDITURE EXCEEDING £100 DD CORNWALL COUNCIL: B/Tax Shute Lane toilets  £      123.00 DD RICOH: Photocopier April – Jun / photocopies Jan – Mar  £      162.64 STAFFING COSTS: All staff related costs including pension, NI, Tax, HM Revenue Payments etc  £   3,101.39 5425 BHIB LTD: Annual insurance...

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Town Council Meeting

May 7, 2020

Due to Covid-19 restrictions the Town Council will not be able to meet on Thursday 14th...

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Planning application

May 6, 2020

The following planning application has been received. As we are unable to hold any public meetings at present, if you wish to make a written representing regarding this application please send your comments via email to by Wednesday 13th May at 5pm. Please note that the final decision is made by Cornwall Council with...

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Bulky waste collection service

May 6, 2020

Waste update Cornwall Council have restarted their bulky waste collection service. The £26 standard service covers the collection of up to four large items – such as tables, beds, TVs, sofas or chairs – that they don’t collect at the kerbside with your black bag rubbish. Social distancing rules mean they are unable to offer...

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Coronavirus and Mental Wellbeing

April 7, 2020

It’s important to remember that it’s completely normal and OK to feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, confused, overwhelmed or any other emotion during times of uncertainty. Everyone reacts differently to different events, and everyone is in a different situation. There are simple things we can all do to help protect and support our mental...

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