Half Term School Meals

January 19, 2021

Cornwall Council has confirmed that they will provide free school meals over the February half-term after the Department for Education told schools it will not be providing funding....

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Covid Business Support

January 19, 2021

Cornwall Council are automatically paying Covid business support grants and opening the new discretionary scheme this week. More details here...

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Self Isolation

January 19, 2021

If you need to self-isolate you must stay at home for 10 days. That means: Do not leave your home No trips to the shops No walks or exercising in public spaces This helps protect others and reduces the spread of Covid-19. Find out more...

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Help with Mental Health

January 19, 2021

If you’re struggling with your mental health, please know that there’s help at hand. Need to talk to someone now? Call Samaritans on 116123. In a crisis, call 999. Remember, you are not alone Find out about support available...

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Ask for Ani

January 19, 2021

‘Ask for ANI’ is a new code word scheme which provides a discreet way for those experiencing domestic abuse to signal that they need help. Participating pharmacies will display this poster and help provide you with the support needed. Find out more...

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Covid 19 Rubbish Collection

January 19, 2021

If you or anyone in your home has coronavirus symptoms or has received a positive test result, please follow this guidance. Cleaning cloths and personal waste, such as used tissues and disposable face coverings, should be double bagged and tied securely. This should then be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put...

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Help for the Vulnerable

January 19, 2021

Whether you need food, prescriptions, or other essentials, if you are clinically extremely vulnerable and shielding, you can get help....

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Live S.T.E.M session this Friday

January 19, 2021

Live S.T.E.M session this Friday @ 11.30 To help with home learning, Cornwall Council are joined by Beach Guardianco-founder and marine biologist, Emily Stevenson, for a fun-filled, beach themed, marine biology lesson and microplastic experiment. The session will include content appropriate for a variety of age groups, with some epic, hands-on...

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Climate Vision – Top 10 Pledges

January 19, 2021

At last week’s Town Council meeting, the Councillors discussed signing up to the Climate Vision – Top 10 Pledges. Although it was recognised that not all pledges could be achievable for all, for various reasons such as economic impact on a low income or work patterns / commitments, the Members were keen to try and...

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